
  • Mom Life,  Pregnancy,  Wellness

    Coboo Products for Pregnancy and Postpartum

    I had the honor of creating a long-term partnership with Coboo during my pregnancy and first month postpartum. Not only have I found that the people who run the company are completely incredible, but their products have blown me away. I wanted to dedicate and share a post with you guys about how these products helped me during pregnancy and postpartum. Please note that this post contains affiliate links. As an affiliate, if you purchase these products I receive commission at no additional cost to you. You can purchase them at www.coboomom.com and use code Lauren10 for 10% off. Coboo Silky Stretch Cream Let’s start with the Coboo Silky Stretch…

  • Mom Life,  Pregnancy,  Wellness

    How to Beat Pregnancy Fatigue

    If you found your way to this page, you must be struggling with pregnancy fatigue. I am going to tell you how I beat pregnancy fatigue during my first trimester. Thankfully my symptoms were pretty mundane during the first trimester. I only struggled with extremely fatigue and sore breasts, maybe some mood swings if you ask my husband, but no consistent morning sickness. You may also be able to tell from my website name that I am a teacher. That means my weekdays are filled with virtually NO rest time. I'll share with you how I beat pregnancy fatigue.

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