Behavior Management

  • Behavior Management,  Teaching,  TPT Products

    Importance of Rules & Procedures in the Classroom

    Rules and Procedures in the classroom are important for the success of the year for both teachers and students. You can never assume, no matter the age of the students, that they understand how to behave inside of your classroom. By establishing, teaching, and reviewing rules and procedures you are ensuring that students will understand the expectations you have which will likely mean less behavior interruptions throughout the year.

  • Behavior Management,  Teaching

    4 Things You Need in Your Calm Down Corner

    What is a Calm Down Corner? A Calm Down Corner is an area of your classroom in which students can go to regulate their emotions. This does not have to be a corner, but it does need to be a place away from the group with a semi-private feeling. The teacher should be able to supervise the child while they’re there, but should really allow the student space to regulate their emotions using the strategies you have taught them. This space is safe and filled with objects that will assist the child with regulating their emotions. Too much clutter can cause overstimulation and potentially a mess. I have not always…

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